Friday, May 6, 2011

Maziarka announces to all her inability to comprehend the definiton of 'sex'

Ginny Maziarka, whose claim to fame is a Blogspot she uses to perpetuate her personal bitterness under the guise of religion, is at it again. Her Blogspot, which arrogantly & blatantly continues to violate Googles Blogger Content Policy of Hate Speech is currently spewing more misinformation to her followers. She utilizes inflammatory words, distortion of facts & name calling to incite further ignorance and hatred. Her attempts at sarcasm, which are reminiscent of 6th grade humor, are used against anyone who doesn't prescribe to her hateful, discriminatory viewpoints. She appears to be pathologically obsessed with homosexuality as her most vitriolic attacks are against anything that has to do with sexual orientation. In the field of psychology, the clinical term for this type of behavior is known as 'Reaction Formation'.
Her most recent crusade is to confuse and frighten anyone she can gather regarding the issue of whether or not to allow a Gay/Straight Alliance Club at the local high school. Ms. Maziarka apparently believes she is exempt from the law. This is yet another example of Maziarka wasting taxpayer time and money to garner attention for herself by attempting to change Federal Laws and/or The Constitution to suit her own sadly biased views. In the past she has attempted to bully the local library into censorship, which is constitutionally illegal. This fiasco caused the ACLU to become involved, putting West Bend in the national spotlight as back country buffoons...thank you Ginny. She also has attempted to coerce the school board into changing the Federal laws against discrimination so as to allow the schools to discriminate against gays.
If  Maziarka would spend half as much time educating herself as she does on her mean spirited campaigns, she would know that it is also illegal to deny a GSA. She would also know that a GSA is a youth leadership organization that promotes creating safer environments in schools through education about harassment, discrimination and violence. There is nothing in their mission statement, literature or history that insinuates anything sexual. It is Maziarka who has an unusual need to insert sexual innuendo into so many issues...or perhaps just gets a thrill out of using the word 'sex'.
It would be interesting to know how many thousands of taxpayer dollars have been spent on research and legal defense due to her frivolous claims & attacks. Seriously, who is wasting taxpayer money??
Interestingly, Maziarka has enabled 'comment moderation' on her blog, ensuring that any comment must first be approved by her prior to it posting. Most of her posts have no comments. Would love to know what's being posted that she is so desperate to hide ...or perhaps it's simply that nobody cares enough about her nonsense to waste time posting...


  1. This is so incredibly true! I get into it with my dad about her. All her little attacks are based on hate. I've read a lot of the book that she censored out of the library, there is NOTHING wrong with them. I agree, we don't want something like this on national view. There is NOTHING wrong being gay, lesbian, bi, or questioning your sexuality. It's a part of life. I am Catholic and I am straight, but I refuse to believe that being gay is a sin.

  2. Alyssa...Thank you for your support & your insightful open mindedness. Never in history has hatred shown a positive outcome.

  3. So... Ms. Maziarka is bullying, wasting taxpayer money, initiates mean spirited campaigns, a coercer, hateful and frightens people? Sounds more like " UNIONS" than a concerned, informed, civic minded taxpaying Christian parent.

  4. I'm not sure what unions have to do with this & I'm not that knowledgable about them, but if that is the definition of a union I would absolutely agree with you that she is a much better fit for the first group of descriptives than the second. Point well taken! I'm pretty sure the correct definition of 'an informed individual' would be 'someone who disseminates accurate facts'. I'm equally sure that hatred & discrimination are not considered either family or Christian values. Thank you for the interesting anaolgy. You have to admit though, she is a parent who, hopefully, pays taxes
